unlearning some toxic bullshit in minneapolis | boudoir as a way to rise up against shame culture

One the things I love about boudoir is that it can be an act of rebellion. A way to fight back against a lifetime of lessons telling us to feel ashamed, blamed, and not enough. It can be a way to celebrate the journey of unlearning all the toxic bullshit we’ve grown up with and choose something better for ourselves. Lilly put these ideas so beautifully and honestly in her interview questions — I’m so excited to share what she had to say!

Q: Tell me about what brought you to boudoir photography. Why are you here?

A: I want to capture my body and essence at this stage in life, and I wanted to give my husband a really hot anniversary gift. We both needed to do a lot of work to unlearn some toxic beliefs about bodies/sexualities so I'm excited to celebrate that growth in this way.

Q: When I share images, I like to show that boudoir is for all kinds of women. In a few key words, describe who you are and or how you think of yourself in a way you wouldn't mind sharing alongside your images.

A: I grew up in purity culture so embracing my sexuality and body has taken a lot of work. I used to feel a lot of shame about these things but now I feel powerful and lovely and I'm so excited I've reached this point! I believe all living things are connected by the energy of the universe and that we really all are divine in unique ways.

Q: Was this an experience you'd recommend? If someone had reservations, what would you tell them?

A: Hell yes!!! In fact, I already have. I would tell them YOLO. and that seeing yourself in that context is a beautiful form of self love and self care. Society has beaten women down for a long time in terms of body image, I feel that having a boudoir shoot is one way we can rise up.

Q: What should I be asking that I'm not? Use this space to say anything else you'd like to say!

A: I really appreciated your fun loving spirit Britt, I was quickly comfortable and you were very helpful describing and demonstrating poses. I'm trying to think of anything you could add to your process or questions...and I really can't think of a thing!! Thank you so much and I absolutely can't wait to see my pics!! :)

Brittany DuMonceaux